
Showing posts from February, 2013

Tip #4 "Mum, have you seen my...I can't find it?"

Looking for items that you have lost usually takes more effort and thought than standing at the door of your very messy bedroom and hoping to spot it, this technique for finding things along with holding the fridge or pantry doors wide open is very limited and often unsuccessful. Mums don't have any special 'finding things super powers' - even though they often appear to possess them.  In fact we rely on looking for things in systematic ways to find lost items.  Here are some of the tricks we use - you might like to try them for yourself sometime! Stop and think about the last time you had the item, where you were and what you did when you got home or after you last remember having or using it. Check the logical places i.e. the pockets of the clothing you were wearing, the scary drawer that everyone's missing stuff gets chucked in, your jacket, your school bag If you have no luck with that start looking in places where lost things often turn up i.e. under th