
Showing posts from September, 2019

Issue Number Three: The Cromwell Town Centre or lack thereof...

The Cromwell Mall - or town centre is the cause of much concern and debate.  Most of the criticism is about the design and layout of the space that seems to have had its heyday in the past and people would like to see it revitalised, rejuvenated and brought into the modern era.  How will we do that and what are the barriers to making this happen? My little video clip will give you a little bit of insight into my thinking or if like me you prefer to read stuff - keep reading.  I wish I had some fabulous answers to a vibrant busy town centre - but I think it is going to be much more important for us to work together with the Cromwell community to find ways to add life and vibrancy to this space. We currently see the mall/town centre as primarily a retail space and there are some successful and loyal retailers who are current mall tenants.  Retail is a globally tricky issue with the prevalence of online shopping options and the proximity of major shopping areas like Remarkables Park