Triple jump, book fair, charity and back to school

I am writing this week's blog from the Goldfields Primary Book fair.  There is a family browsing the books, while outside the School duathlon is being run.  I'm quite enjoying my quiet little spot - but I do feel like I am missing out on some of the fun by being hidden away in the back of the school hall.  I'll be here all week 8:30-9:30am and 2:30-4:00pm - there are loads of lovely books and everyone is most welcome to come and have a browse - we get a large commission that we take in books and all sales count toward this.

Scholastic Book Fair all set up in the Goldfields hall
I have eyed up a couple of items that will make their way across the Tasman for my nephews for Christmas - but my own lummoxes have moved on from being excited about coming to the book fair and choosing new reading material.  Lummox 1 and 2 are busy buried in study - exam season is upon us (at least they tell their mum they are buried in study).  Number 3 should be hitting the books - he is NCEA level 1 this year and his exams are looming too.  I am worried that his laid back attitude might come and 'bite him on the bum!' - but that is his lesson to learn and nagging is not going to increase his engagement in the exam process.

I've been back at school this week and much of my time has been spent in the triple jump pit.  I have the unenviable task of coaching this technical event for our school athletics day - which was unfortunately postponed due to bad weather on Friday.  I have been very lucky to have had past assistance from Tania Murray and as a result we always have kids who do well at this event at the Central Otago athletics event - held in early November.  Monday is a full day of triple jump for me this week - 282 kids, each doing three jumps - that is a lot of raking!

Christmas charity box gifts for an orphan overseas
I did manage to engage Lummox number 3 in helping me to fill a Christmas charity shoe box to send to an orphan overseas.  You get a teeny weeny shoe box and a list of 6 item categories to include.  We chose to do a box for a 10-14 year old boy.  No.3 was determined to fit a soccer ball into the box - we have taken all the air out, squished it down as small as possible and taped it up and popped a ball pump in to make sure it can be re-inflated when it gets to where it is going.  We've managed to also squeeze in a pencil tin with pens and pencils, lots of stickers and a notebook - for things for school, a pair of sunnies - for something personal, a singlet emblazoned with Aotearoa - for something to wear, a toothbrush - for a personal hygiene item and a miniature chocolate labrador - for something to love.  It is pretty tightly packed.

Tightly squeezed, ready to be closed up.
My first taste of my new role on the community board happens next week.  The new members of the board are having our own little meet and greet with Shirley on Monday to ask some burning questions about processes and to get a bit of an update with what has been on the agenda and discussed or decided on at the most recent meetings.

The beginning of the council induction programme happens on Wednesday in Alexandra - starting with photos.  We've all been instructed to wear 'business attire' - hmm - having been a Primary School teacher for 25+ years I don't think I own any such thing - I'll just have to wing it I think.  I am looking forward to these next steps and to begin working alongside my fellow Cromwell Community Board members.  I know there are already some issues brewing and being discussed through our local print media, with an expectation that the board will bring them up for discussion.  The first meeting for our new board is November 7th.


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